Ni chrewyd f'enaid drud I fyn'd i'r bythol boen: Can's dros bechodau'r euog fyd Bu farw'r addfwyn Oen. O Dduw dysg i mi'r ffordd I ffoi rhag uffern dân; A'r pryd ymddengys Iesu gwiw, Dwg fi i'r nefoedd làn. Tydi yw'r unig ffordd, I'r nefoedd Iesu gwiw; Dadguddia'th hun i mi bob awr, Tra fyddw'i yma'n byw. Treulier fy nyddiau 'gyd, Er clôd i'm Harglwydd mawr; A boed i'm rodio gyd â Duw, Tra fyddw'i ar y llawr. Felly mi gara'm Duw, Yr hwn a'm carodd i; Seiniaf ei glôd ar beraidd gân, Tra par'o'r nefoedd frŷ.John Hughes 1776-1843 Diferion y Cyssegr 1804 Tôn [MB 6686]: Aylesbury (Salmydd Psalmody 1718) gwelir: Rhan I - Ai marw raid i mi? |
My precious soul was not created To go to everlasting pain: Since for the sins of a guilty world The dear Lamb died. O God, teach me the way To flee from hell fire; And when worthy Jesus appears, Draw me up to heaven. Thou art the only way, To the heaven of worthy Jesus, Reveal thyself to me every hour, While ever I am living here. All my days are to be spent For praise to my great Lord And may I walk with God, While ever I am on the earth. Thus shall I love my God, He who loved me; I shall sound his praise in a sweet song, While heaven above 2018 Richard B Gillion |
O thou that wouldst not have One wretched sinner die, Who died'st thyself; my soul to save From endless misery! Show me the way to shun Thy dreadful wrath severe, That when thou comest on thy throne I may with joy appear. Thou art thyself the Way; Thyself in me reveal; So shall I spend my life's short day Obedient to thy will. So shall I love my God, Because he first loved me, And praise thee in thy bright abode, To all eternity.Charles Wesley 1707-88 from And am I born to die? |